Wednesday, February 11, 2015




Dentists in Ho Chi Minh City

Dental Tourism - Siem Reap, Cambodia

 Situated in northwestern Cambodia as the gateway to the Angkor region, Siem Reap plays host to the most popular tourist attraction in Cambodia.  The Angkor temples are popularized and romanticized in many Hollywood films set in mystical antiquity, even though much of what they represent has been fictionalized. One undeniable fact, however, is that Angkor Wat is the largest religious structure in the world, in addition to being a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
 Located globally at 13°21′44″N longitude and 103°51′35″E latitude, Siem Reap is the capital city of Siem Reap Province. In addition to its ancient religious ceremonial structures, Siem Reap has colonial and Chinese-influenced buildings in the Old French Quarter and the Old Market. Siem Reap is what would be considered by most to be a small to mid-sized city with a population hovering just above 175,000 people. Its name comes from its ancient history dating back to around 800 A.D., when it defeated Thailand in a long-running war. At that time, Thailand was known as Siam; hence Siem Reap translates literally as “Defeat of Siam. “

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